Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Scientists to make deadlier virus

Read that headline again... slowly.

If you read the article, you'll find that "Safely done gain-of-function studies "will improve pandemic preparedness," John McCauley, the director of the World Health Organization's flu research center, said in a statement."

OK, now I want you to consider the following list of words and phrases:
1. Gypsy Moths
2. The Dust Bowl
3. The Titanic
4. New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina
5. Japanese Quake and Tsunami
6. I, Legend

Do we see a pattern here?

And how about this? "The latest gain-of-function studies face tougher oversight than before...  U.S. agencies would be the primary funders of any gain-of-function H7N9 studies."
1. IRS Scandal
2. NSA Surveillance Scandal
3. Tainted food scandals
4. Hackers gain access to Pentagon

So, let me get this straight...
The U.S. Government, which has never been able to keep anything "safe" or "secret", is going to pay scientists to create even deadlier versions of  a virus that is already responsible for hundreds of deaths and thousands of illnesses.

Hmm... I feel safe...

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