Sunday, July 26, 2015

Another Viewpoint on Suffering

I have long resisted the idea that suffeing comes from God, that somehow it is His will that we suffer. There is plenty of   evidence that this is true; however, it is difficult for me to reconcile this with what I know of the nature and character of God (which is admittedly incomplete.)

However, during our Sabbath meeting this week, we got into a conversation about the purpose of the law and the gospel, and we examined the possibility that the purpose is to build character - to build us into the image of Yeshua, the Christ - who was, in character, the image of the Father.
Some of this discussion involved Joni Erikson Tada as an "example", but others could easily be named (Corrie Ten Boom comes to mind, but there are many others.) The point is, has the suffering these people have endured wrought a change in their character? The obvious answer is "Yes, absolutely!"

 In a similar way, the suffering of the Jewish people, perhaps, was intended to work character into them. God never abandoned them when they were suffering, but it is certainly true that they have endured many sufferings for their character flaws.

The next question this stirs up in me is, "what it would be worth, what would I be willing to pay, to have a character that is absolutely pleasing to Adonai?"

 I have to be honest and say that this question cuts to the heart of who I am and how I perceive myself; a mirror has been held up and I don't think I like what I see...
