Thursday, July 18, 2013

Here's a thought: Put your faith where your mouth is...

I hear a lot of Christians decrying the violence and soft core porn on television these days.

Here's a thought: get rid of your TV. Cancel your cable. Go meet your neighbors and see if you can help someone with something.

I hear a lot of Christians berating Obamacare.

Here's a thought: stop going to doctors and try prayer instead.

I see a lot of Christians protesting at abortion clinics

Here's a thought: get involved in some young pregnant girl's life and help her out, help her up, give her hope for herself and her unborn child.

I hear wealthy preachers speak to me from their velvet armchairs, sitting in their plush offices, telling me why I should give "just a little more."

Here's a thought: sell some of that junk and go minister to the poor in the inner city, or become a missionary to a truly unreached part of the world. Stop preaching to the wealthy choir that lines your pockets and go preach to the ones who have never heard of Jesus.

I hear the American Conference of Catholic Bishops telling my government why they should do more in the name of social justice.

Here's a thought: stop pretending you are the social conscience of the nation and ask your leader to sell some of the billions of dollar's worth of treasure at the Vatican. You could feed the poor for several years.

I hear the leaders of the mainline protestant denominations telling me I have to accept homosexuality and every form of sin in order to "love like Jesus loved."

Here's a thought: go read your Bible, and do what it says.Stop being conformed to the world.

I'm sick and tired of the hypocrisy. The lies. The religious sham. The conformity. The blasphemy.

I want someone to stand up and show me Jesus.

I want to meet someone who is truly living out the great commission.

You know what would really change the world? The world would change if the CHURCH would stand up and be THE CHURCH.

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