Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sequestration: Is it really bad?

The media is reacting to the threat of sequestration as if it would lower the United States to the status of a  third world nation.

In my experience, any time the media makes something political sound catastrophically bad, it ends up being something I support.

I don't claim to be an expert on sequestration, but from a 30,000 foot view, my understanding is that sequestration is intended to force the U.S. Government to do something about its uncontrolled spending; and that's not a bad thing.

Automatic cuts, leading to austerity measures, are painful for a time. But in the end, if they help to "reset the bar" and actually lower spending, I'm all for it.

Yes, some federal employees are going to lose their jobs. Yes, some agencies may lose their funding. Guess what? THAT'S THE POINT! These things should have happened long ago, and should have been taken care of by true public servants in congress who actually care about our nation. Unfortunately, we have precious few of those - not enough to muster a majority vote in either the house or the senate.

So, I say, if sequestration is the only answer, bring it on. What do you think?

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