Had an interesting "combination" experiences tonight... First, went to a Chamber of Commerce mixer at representative R. Lee James' office, and met the physicians from Medicine Made Simple (medicinemadesimple.net)
Hurried home in time to see a free Webinar on the new documentary film "Wait Til It's Free ('http://vimeo.com/58986827 )
The movie mentions a ministry, Samaritan Ministries (http://samaritanministries.org/) - similar to Medi-Share (https://mychristiancare.org/Medi-Share/Medi-Share.aspx).
It occurred to me that if you used a physician who operated outside the paradigm, and joined a Christian Medical Sharing program, you could "defeat" Obamacare - voting with your dollars.
I will have to consider this prayerfully, since I am one of the "fortunate" folks who have a job, and insurance; but at the same time I am concerned about handing over my healthcare to the government, and this may be a way to be more consistent with my beliefs.
What do you think? Should we volunarily "give up" our "benefits" in order to be more aligned with our principles?
Looks like the people have spoken!