Had an interesting "combination" experiences tonight... First, went to a Chamber of Commerce mixer at representative R. Lee James' office, and met the physicians from Medicine Made Simple (medicinemadesimple.net)
Hurried home in time to see a free Webinar on the new documentary film "Wait Til It's Free ('http://vimeo.com/58986827 )
The movie mentions a ministry, Samaritan Ministries (http://samaritanministries.org/) - similar to Medi-Share (https://mychristiancare.org/Medi-Share/Medi-Share.aspx).
It occurred to me that if you used a physician who operated outside the paradigm, and joined a Christian Medical Sharing program, you could "defeat" Obamacare - voting with your dollars.
I will have to consider this prayerfully, since I am one of the "fortunate" folks who have a job, and insurance; but at the same time I am concerned about handing over my healthcare to the government, and this may be a way to be more consistent with my beliefs.
What do you think? Should we volunarily "give up" our "benefits" in order to be more aligned with our principles?